Why do we do Central Teachings?
First, it’s important to note that house churches are the focus of The Village’s structure. But we also believe that a large meeting can uniquely accomplish certain elements of the Christian life that we see pictured in the New Testament.
For instance, the early churches met in houses but also came together in large meetings to hear the teachings of the apostles. Strong, culturally relevant Bible teachings are the focal point of these larger meetings we call Central Teachings (CTs). CTs provide a setting in which a larger group hears God’s word taught through gifted and trained teachers. Multiple home groups come together, often bringing friends and family who want to have their questions answered about Christianity.

What do we do at Central Teachings?
We set an informal, non-traditional atmosphere in which Christians and non-Christians alike can relax. People are welcome to take coffee, pop and snacks into the auditorium, while they hear what God might want to say to them through his word.
CTs start with prayer and some background music, followed by an expository Bible teaching that lasts about 40 to 50 minutes. After the teaching, people can ask questions, or wait until the meeting concludes to privately talk with the teacher or other meeting participants. We close the meeting with prayer.