When we say that The Village is an evangelical church, we convey that we are a Protestant church that orients its ministry around the revealed truth of the Bible. The Village strives to be faithful to the Bible’s mandate that the church live out and spread the message of grace to all people.
We strongly believe that the heart of our ministry is content-rich biblical teaching. We are convinced that the Word of God is, as Hebrews 4:12 says, “living and active.” Because we have a high view of those we influence through our ministry, we believe that they want to be challenged by a reasonable, applicable presentation of the Bible. Furthermore, it is our conviction that spiritual growth and authentic Christian service must be based upon a strong foundation of knowledge of the Scriptures.
We believe that God works differently in the life of each Christian, but always with his forgiveness and transforming love as the foundation. We all come to a relationship with Christ with different sins, habits, burdens and concerns. At The Village, we are committed to helping one another embrace our new identity in Christ, and we believe that all healthy work for God flows out of this grace-based identity.
Interdependent Fellowship
The Village places a heavy emphasis on self-giving fellowship and the priesthood of all believers. Our vision is to develop a church where the vast majority of the ministry is performed by well-trained, unpaid, volunteer workers and leaders. Team-Led House Churches are at the core of our ministry structure. Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals will be typically performed by House Church leaders rather than by specialized paid staff. We believe that this model of ministry will not only be most effective in equipping and reaching the most people, but also that it is the biblically-prescribed method of ministry (Ephesians 4:11-16; 1 Peter 2:9-12; Romans 12:1-8).
Accountable Leaders
We believe that a plurality of accountable leaders best reflects the New Testament’s design for the church. We also believe that public reporting of church activities and financial matters is important.